《6 the short second life of bree tanner布里·坦纳第二次短暂生命》第31章

could see he was still wary。 “We have no wish to harm you;” the woman said to me。 She had a soft; soothing voice。 “We didn’t want to fight any of you。” “I’m sorry;” I whispered again。 I couldn’t make sense of the mess in my head。 Diego was dead; and that was the main thing; the devastating thing。 Other 
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than that; the fight was over; my coven had lost and my enemies had won。 But my dead coven was full of people who would have loved to watch me burn; and my enemies were speaking to me kindly when they had no reason to。 Moreover; I felt safer with these two strangers than I’d ever felt with Raoul and Kristie。 I was relieved that Raoul and Kristie were dead。 It was so confusing。 “Child;” Carlisle said; “will you surrender to us? If you do not try to harm us; we promise we will not harm you。” And I believed him。 “Yes;” I whispered。 “Yes; I surrender。 I don’t want to hurt anybody。” He held out his hand encouragingly。 “e; child。 Let our family regroup for a moment; then we’ll have some questions for you。 If you answer honestly; you have nothing to fear。” I got up slowly; making no movements that could be considered threatening。 “Carlisle?” a male voice called。 And then another yelloweyed vampire joined us。 Any sort of safety I’d felt with these strangers vanished as soon as I saw him。 He was blond; like the first; but taller and leaner。 His skin was absolutely covered in scars; spaced most thickly together on his neck and jaw。 A few small marks on his arm were fresh; but the rest were not from the brawl today。 He had been in more fights than I could have imagined; and he’d never lost。 His tawny eyes blazed and his stance exuded the barely contained violence of an angry lion。 
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As soon as he saw me he coiled to spring。 “Jasper!” Carlisle warned。 Jasper pulled up short and stared at Carlisle with wide eyes。 “What’s going on?” “She doesn’t want to fight。 She’s surrendered。” The scarred vampire’s brow clouded; and suddenly I felt an unexpected surge of frustration; though I had no idea what I was frustrated with。 “Carlisle; I…” He hesitated; then continued; “I’m sorry; but that’s not possible。 We can’t have any of these newborns associated with us when the Volturi e。 Do you realize the danger that would put us in?” I didn’t understand exactly what he was saying; but I got enough。 He wanted to kill me。 “Jasper; she’s only a child;” the woman protested。 “We can’t just murder her in cold blood!” It was strange to hear her speak like we both were people; like murder was a bad thing。 An avoidable thing。 “It’s our family on the line here; Esme。 We can’t afford to have them think we broke this rule。” The woman; Esme; walked between me and the one who wanted to kill me。 Inprehensibly; she turned her back to me。 “No。 I won’t stand for it。” Carlisle shot me an anxious glance。 I could see that he cared a lot for this woman。 I would have looked the same way at anyone behind Diego’s back。 I tried to appear as docile as I felt。 “Jasper; I think we have to take the chance;” he said slowly。 
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“We are not the Volturi。 We follow their rules; but we do not take lives lightly。 We will explain。” “They might think we created our own newborns in defense。” “But we didn’t。 And even had we; there was no indiscretion here; only in Seattle。 There is no law against creating vampires if you control them。” “This is too dangerous。” Carlisle touched Jasper’s shoulder tentatively。 “Jasper。 We cannot kill this child。” Jasper glowered at the man with the kind eyes; and I was suddenly angry。 Surely he wouldn’t hurt this gentle vampire or the woman he loved。 Then Jasper sighed; and I knew it was okay。 My anger evaporated。 “I don’t like this;” he said; but he was calmer。 “At least let me take charge of her。 You two don’t know how to deal with someone who’s been running wild so long。” “Of course; Jasper;” the woman said。 “But be kind。” Jasper rolled his eyes。 “We need to be with the others。 Alice said we don’t have long。” Carlisle nodded。 He held his hand out to Esme; and they headed past Jasper back toward the open field。 “You there;” Jasper said to me; his face a glower again。 “e with us。 Don’t make one rash move or I will take you down。” I felt angry again as he glared at me; and a small part of me wanted to snarl and show my teeth; but I had a feeling he was looking for just that kind of excuse。 Jasper paused as if he’d just thought of something。 “Close 
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your eyes;” he manded。 I hesitated。 Had he decided to kill me after all? “Do it!” I gritted my teeth and shut my eyes。 I felt twice as helpless as I had before。 “Follow the sound of my voice and don’t open your eyes。 You look; you lose; got it?” I nodded; wondering what he didn’t want me to see。 I felt some relief that he was bothering to protect a secret。 There was no reason to do so if he was just going to kill me。 “This way。” I walked slowly after him; careful to give him no excuses。 He was considerate in the way he led; not walking me into any trees; at least。 I could hear the way the sound changed when we were in the open; the feel of the wind was different; too; and the smell of my coven burning was stronger。 I could feel the warmth of the sun on my face; and the insides of my eyelids were brighter as I sparkled。 He led me closer and closer to the muffled crackle of the flames; so close that I could feel the smoke brush my skin。 I knew he could have killed me at any time; but the nearness of the fire still made me nervous。 “Sit here。 Eyes closed。” The ground was warm from the sun and the fire。 I kept very still and tried to concentrate on looking harmless; but I could feel his glare on me; and it made me agitated。 Though I was not mad at these vampires; who I truly believed had only been defending themselves; I felt the oddest stirrings of fury。 It was 
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almost outside myself; as if it were some leftover echo from the battle that had just taken place。 The anger didn’t make me stupid; though; because I was too sad miserable to my core。 Diego was aways in my mind; and I couldn’t help thinking about