《2 new+moon新月》第93章

the reason your hair stands on end when you smell me。 They are the substance of your nightmares; the 
dread behind your instincts。 I"m not unaware of that。〃 
〃And you take her to them like a bottle of wine for a party!〃 he shouted。 
〃You think she"d be better off if I left her here alone; with Victoria stalking her?〃 
〃We can handle the redhead。〃 
〃Then why is she still hunting?〃 
Jacob growled; and a shudder rippled through his torso。 
〃Stop that!〃 I shouted at them both; wild with impatience。 〃Argue when we get back; let"s go!〃 
Alice turned for the car; disappearing in her haste。 I hurried after her; pausing automatically to turn and 
lock the door。 
Jacob caught my arm with a shivering hand。 〃Please; Bella。 I"m begging。〃 
His dark eyes were glistening with tears。 A lump filled my throat。 
〃Jake; I have to—〃 
〃You don"t; though。 You really don"t。 You could stay here with me。 You could stay alive。 For Charlie。 
For me。〃 
The engine of Carlisle"s Mercedes purred; the rhythm of the thrumming spiked when Alice revved it 
I shook my head; tears spattering from my eyes with the sharp motion。 I pulled my arm free; and he 
didn"t fight me。 
〃Don"t die; Bella;〃 he choked out。 〃Don"t go。 Don"t。〃 
What if I never saw him again? 
The thought pushed me past the silent tears; a sob broke out from my chest。 I threw my arms around his 
waist and hugged for one tooshort moment; burying my tearwet face against his chest。 He put his big 
hand on the back of my hair; as if to hold me there。 
〃Bye; Jake。〃 I pulled his hand from my hair; and kissed his palm。 I couldn"t bear to look at his face。 
〃Sorry;〃 I whispered。 
Then I spun and raced for the car。 The door on the passenger side was open and waiting。 I threw my 
backpack over the headrest and slid in; slamming the door behind me。 
〃Take care of Charlie!〃 I turned to shout out the window; but Jacob was nowhere in sight。 As Alice 
stomped on the gas and—with the tires screeching like human screams—spun us around to face the 
road; I caught sight of a shred of white near the edge of the trees。 A piece of a shoe。 
19。 HATE 
plane sat idle on the tarmac while the flight attendants strolled—so casually—up and down the aisle; 
patting the bags in the overhead partments to make sure everything fit。 The pilots leaned out of the 
cockpit; chatting with them as they passed。 Alice"s hand was hard on my shoulder; holding me in my seat 
while I bounced anxiously up and down。 
〃It"s faster than running;〃 she reminded me in a low voice。 
I just nodded in time with my bouncing。 
At last the plane rolled lazily from the gate; building speed with a gradual steadiness that tortured me 
further。 I expected some kind of relief when we achieved liftoff; but my frenzied impatience didn"t lessen。 
Alice lifted the phone on the back of the seat in front of her before we"d stopped climbing; turning her 
back on the stewardess who eyed her with disapproval。 Something about my expression stopped the 
stewardess from ing over to protest。 
I tried to tune out what Alice was murmuring to Jasper; I didn"t want to hear the words again; but some 
slipped through。 
〃I can"t be sure; I keep seeing him do different things; he keeps changing his mind… A killing spree 
through the city; attacking the guard; lifting a car over his head in the main square… mostly things that 
would expose them—he knows that"s the fastest way to force a reaction…〃 
〃No; you can"t。〃 Alice"s voice dropped till it was nearly inaudible; though I was sitting inches from her。 
Contrarily; I listened harder。 〃Tell Emmett no… Well; go after Emmett and Rosalie and bring them 
back… Think about it; Jasper。 If he sees any of us; what do you think he will do?〃 
She nodded。 〃Exactly。 I think Bella is the only chance—if there is a chance… I"ll do everything that can 
be done; but prepare Carlisle; the odds aren"t good。〃 
She laughed then; and there was a catch in her voice。 〃I"ve thought of that… Yes; I promise。〃 Her voice 
became pleading。 〃Don"t follow me。 I promise; Jasper。 One way or another; I"ll get out… And I love 
She hung up; and leaned back in her seat with her eyes closed。 〃I hate lying to him。〃 
〃Tell me everything; Alice;〃 I begged。 〃I don"t understand。 Why did you tell Jasper to stop Emmett; why 
can"t they e help us?〃 
〃Two reasons;〃 she whispered; her eyes still closed。 〃The first I told him。 We could try to stop Edward 
ourselves—if Emmett could get his hands on him; we might be able to stop him long enough to convince 
him you"re alive。 But we can"t sneak up on Edward。 And if he sees us ing for him; he"ll just act that 
much faster。 He"ll throw a Buiclc through a wall or something; and the Volturi will take him down。 
〃That"s the second reason of course; the reason I couldn"t say to Jasper。 Because if they"re there and the 
Volturi kill Edward; they"ll fight them。 Bella。〃 She opened her eyes and stared at me; beseeching。 〃If there 
were any chance we could win… if there were a way that the four of us could save my brother by 
fighting for him; maybe it would be different。 But we can"t; and; Bella; I can"t lose Jasper like that。〃 
I realized why her eyes begged for my understanding。 She was protecting Jasper; at our expense; and 
maybe at Edward"s; too。 I understood; and I did not think badly of her。 I nodded。 
〃Couldn"t Edward hear you; though。"〃 I asked。 〃Wouldn"t he know; as soon as he heard your thoughts; 
that I was alive; that there was no point to this?〃 
Not that there was any justification; either way。 I still couldn"t believe that he was capable of reacting like 
this。 It made no sense! I remembered with painful clarity his words that day on the sofa; while we 
watched Romeo and Juliet kill themselves; one after the other。 I wasn"t going to live without you; he"d 
said; as if it should be such an obvious conclusion。 But the words he had spoken in the forest as he"d left 
me had canceled all that out—forcefully。 
〃If he were listening;〃 she explained。 〃But bel