
绝顶一茅茨, 直上三十里; 
扣关无僮仆, 窥室惟案几。 
若非巾柴车? 应是钓秋水。 
差池不相见, 黾勉空仰止。 
草色新雨中, 松声晚窗里; 
及兹契幽绝, 自足荡心耳。 
虽无宾主意, 颇得清净理。 
兴尽方下山, 何必待之子。 
qiu wei
after missing the recluse 
on the western mountain
to your hermitage here on the top of the mountain 
i have climbed; without stopping; these ten miles。 
i have knocked at your door; and no one answered; 
i have peeped into your room; at your seat beside the table。 
perhaps you are out riding in your canopied chair; 
or fishing; more likely; in some autumn pool。 
sorry though i am to be missing you; 
you have bee my meditation …… 
the beauty of your grasses; fresh with rain; 
and close beside your window the music of your pines。 
i take into my being all that i see and hear; 
soothing my senses; quieting my heart; 
and though there be neither host nor guest; 
have i not reasoned a visit plete? 
。。。after enough; i have gone down the mountain。 
why should i wait for you any longer? 
幽意无断绝, 此去随所偶; 
晚风吹行舟, 花路入溪口。 
际夜转西壑, 隔山望南斗。 
潭烟飞溶溶, 林月低向后。 
生事且弥漫, 愿为持竿叟。 
qiwu qian
a boat in spring on ruoya lake
thoughtful elation has no end: 
onward i bear it to whatever e。 
and my boat and i; before the evening breeze 
passing flowers; entering the lake; 
turn at nightfall toward the western valley; 
where i watch the south star over the mountain 
and a mist that rises; hovering soft; 
and the low moon slanting through the trees; 
and i choose to put away from me every worldly matter 
and only to be an old man with a fishing…pole。 
清溪深不测, 隐处唯孤云; 
松际露微月, 清光犹为君。 
茅亭宿花影, 药院滋苔纹。 
余亦谢时去, 西山鸾鹤群。 
chang jian
at wang changlin s retreat
here; beside a clear deep lake; 
you live acpanied by clouds; 
or soft through the pine the moon arrives 
to be your own pure…hearted friend。 
you rest under thatch in the shadow of your flowers; 
your dewy herbs flourish in their bed of moss。 
let me leave the world。 let me alight; like you; 
on your western mountain with phoenixes and cranes。 
塔势如涌出, 孤高耸天宫; 
登临出世界, 磴道盘虚空。 
突兀压神州, 峥嵘如鬼工; 
四角碍白日, 七层摩苍穹。 
下窥指高鸟, 俯听闻惊风。 
连山若波涛, 奔凑如朝东。 
青槐夹驰道, 宫馆何玲珑? 
秋色从西来, 苍然满关中。 
五陵北原上, 万古青蒙蒙。 
净理了可悟, 胜因夙所宗。 
誓将挂冠去, 觉道资无穷。 
cen can
ascending the pagoda at the temple of kind 
favour with gao shi and xue ju
the pagoda; rising abruptly from earth; 
reaches to the very palace of heaven。。。。 
climbing; we seem to have left the world behind us; 
with the steps we look down on hung from space。 
it overtops a holy land 
and can only have been built by toil of the spirit。 
its four sides darken the bright sun; 
its seven stories cut the grey clouds; 
birds fly down beyond our sight; 
and the rapid wind below our hearing; 
mountain…ranges; toward the east; 
appear to be curving and flowing like rivers; 
far green locust…trees line broad roads 
toward clustered palaces and mansions; 
colours of autumn; out of the west; 
enter advancing through the city; 
and northward there lie; in five graveyards; 
calm forever under dewy green grass; 
those who know lifes final meaning 
which all humankind must learn。 
。。。henceforth i put my official hat aside。 
to find the eternal way is the only happiness。 
癸卯岁,西原贼入道州,焚烧杀掠,几尽而 去。明年,贼又攻永州,破邵,不犯此州边 鄙而退,岂力能制敌欤?盖蒙其伤怜而已! 诸史何为忍苦徵敛!故作诗一篇以示官吏。 
昔岁逢太平, 山林二十年。 
泉源在庭户, 洞壑当门前。 
井税有常期, 日晏犹得眠。 
忽然遭时变, 数岁亲戎旃。 
今来典斯郡, 山夷又纷然。 
城小贼不屠, 人贫伤可怜。 
是以陷邻境, 此州独见全。 
使臣将王命, 岂不如贼焉? 
令彼徵敛者, 迫之如火煎。 
谁能绝人命? 以作时世贤。 
思欲委符节, 引竿自刺船, 
将家就鱼麦, 归老江湖边。 
yuan jie
to the tax…collectors 
after the bandits retreat
in the year kuimao the bandits from xiyuan entered daozhou; set fire; raided; killed; and looted。 the whole district was almost ruined。 the next year the bandits came again and; attacking the neighbouring prefecture; yong; passed this one by。 it was not because we were strong enough to defend ourselves; but; probably; because they pitied us。 and how now can these missioners bear to impose extra taxes? i have written this poem for the collectors information。 
i still remember those days of peace …… 
twenty years among mountains and forests; 
the pure stream running past my yard; 
the caves and valleys at my door。 
taxes were light and regular then; 
and i could sleep soundly and late in the morning… 
till suddenly came a sorry change。 
。。。for years now i have been serving in the army。 
when i began here as an official; 
the mountain bandits were rising again; 
but the town was so small it was spared by the thieves; 
and the people so poor and so pitiable 
that all other districts were looted 
and this one this time let alone。 
。。。do you imperial missioners 
mean to be less kind than bandits? 
the people you force to pay the poll 
are like creatures frying over a fire。 
and how can you sacrifice human lives; 
just to be known as able collectors? …… 
。。。oh; let me fling down my official seal; 
let me be a lone fisherman in a small boat 
and support my family on fish and wheat 
and content my old age with rivers and lakes! 